The Nest
Please click on this link to go to Crowdfunder project page
The Nest is the given name for the third phase of the project. This new centre will be a beautiful educational space, incorporating conference room, therapy room, large kitchen, organic café, open teaching space, office, store, wash and shower facilities, working to a vernacular barn type design and built using locally sourced eco-friendly materials, including Hempcrete walls. Later, comfortable, on-site accommodation will follow in the form of glamping pods, using the venue to enhance course experience and support inclusivity. It will also enhance and support further development of the ‘retreat’ aspect of project. We have gained full planning permission for the Nest, have started laying the paths and foundations and now we are asking for your support to help us to realise this vision.
What will be Offered at the Nest?
The Nest will be a multi- purpose space, designed to facilitate learning, connection, celebration and nourisment. These are our plans for what will be included in the project...
Community Organic Cafe
To provide inclusive learning opportunities for everyone
To provide a range of planned, structured courses, retreats & workshops that can be delivered ‘all year round’.
To progress more substantive positive action, through increased learning and training, making a significant contribution to improving truly sustainable living, natural health and wellbeing and to support wildlife conservation, and heal the environment
Supporting local live performance and music
To provide a ‘fit for purpose’ educational centre that will support increasing numbers of schools and colleges in the UK that are looking to incorporate Permaculture into their work; supporting vocational learning as part of this
To provide a nationally recognised centre of excellence in the teaching of creative, off grid living through ‘Insight Design’
To provide a venue to support delivery of a range of alternative events, therapies and seminars that promote health, wellbeing and, creative, truly sustainable living.
Get an in depth understanding of the Nest project by watching our new Crowdfunder video.
How Can You Help?
We need to raise the £38,000 still needed to realise this dream.
The first way that you can help is to donate to our crowdfunder. We have a number of rewards available to people who donate to our campaign including Karuna t-shirts, camping in the forest garden, a stay in our stunning Sapphire hut and tours of our demonstration site and forest garden. All donations large or small are very gratefully received.
The second way is to share our story, campaign and project video with your family, friends and wider community through word of mouth, social media and newsletters. The story of healing the land, birds, wildlife and people is very real and can be directly seen and experienced!
Why Support Us?
The flow of extreme change, in crazy world events, over the past two years is nothing less than evidence that we really do need to educate and support ourselves in the right way, in order to survive. As Forest Garden practitioners, with decades of experience in the field, we celebrate our offering, ‘Karuna insight design’, as an utterly unique example, of what is achievable through, compassion, positive action and insight. Clearly the land wants to be healed and will do so, given the right support.The NEST centre, will offer the opportunity for thousands more people to heal, grow, celebrate, learn, and thrive through land design and use.
Our best hope lies in our connection to the land! to nature, reawakening our bodies natural, instinctive capacity to heal itself, strengthening our minds connection to universal intelligence, and reconnecting our spirit with the divine essence of Love within us. We believe, that by supporting the building of the NEST, you will, in fact be supporting your children’s future, and yourselves, on many different levels, directly, as well as indirectly, and potentially. We know from experience, that we all possess tremendous collective power when we unite with kindred souls, to make a difference!
This is an opportunity for YOU to be the change you want to see in the world.
Thank you for your support!

Sketch of The Nest
Up to date Progress; New track and Centre foundations. As soon as this building is up ,more of the public will benefit and come to learn from what the site has to offer.

Laying of the new centre track.

The Nest Learning & Wellbeing Centre). Trench Foundations.

The Nest (Learning & Wellbeing Centre). Trench Foundations.

Details of the courses planned in the new centre are listed below.
Course, Number of participants, Duration (days)
Vegan Permaculture, up to 20, 2
Living in community, up to 20, 2
Horticulture Skills, up to 20, 2
Permaculture Introduction, Up to 16, 3 day
Ecology, Up to 16, 2 day
Scything , Up to 8, 1 day
Hedge Laying , Up to 8, 2 day
Forest Gardening (intro), Up to 20, 2.5 day
Public Apple Day, Up to 80, 1 day
Apple Tree Grafting, Up to 16, 1 day
Natural building (various) - straw / clay / cordwood Up to 20, 2-10 day
Composting Toilets + Garden Composting, 6 to 10, 1 day
Earth Oven Building, 6 to 14, 2 day
Preserving The Harvest, Up to 10, 2 day
Earth Oven Cooking, Up to 14, 1 day
Full Permaculture Design (PDC) Up to 20, 14 day
Building Resilient Organisations + Conflict Resolution, 6 to 10, 2 day
Insight Design, Up to 20, 5 day
Wild Food weekend + Plant Identification Up to 30, 2 day
Horticultural Therapy Retreat, Up to 16, 3 days
Seminars, Up to 60, 1 day
Therapy treatment/retreat - hire of room by external specialists 3hrs- 2 day.
Forest Gardening seminar, Up to 20, 5 day
Yoga retreat, Up to 25, 2 day

Building Plan - Drawing