We have grown many types of pumpkins over the years. At Karuna, it's a fantastic staple crop, and always a pleasure to grow.
The last two years have been the poorest crops ever, but luckily we planted a lot of them, so are enjoying the results, as we always have.
From an energetic and spiritual standpoint, pumpkin resonates with the earth element, grounding and nourishing energy. Its vibrant orange colour is associated with the sacral chakra, the energy center, related to creativity, emotions, and vitality. Consuming pumpkin can help restore balance to this chakra, promoting emotional stability and enhancing creative expression.
From a holistic perspective, they are a nourishing powerhouse for the body, mind, and spirit. Rich in essential nutrients, pumpkins provide a wealth of health benefits that align with the holistic approach to wellness, emphasizing balance, natural healing, and the interconnectedness of body systems.
Pumpkins are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support overall health. They are particularly rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Vivitamin A plays a vital role in maintaining healthy vision, skin, and immune function. Additionally, pumpkins contain a good amount of vitamin C, which supports the immune system and promotes collagen production, essential for skin repair and anti-aging.
Whether incorporated into Pie/Cake, stir-fry, soups, smoothies, or roasted as a snack, pumpkin is a versatile, healing food that embodies the holistic principle of nourishing the whole being—body, mind, and spirit :)

Papa Janta's Pumpkin Cake # 1.
3 Cups Flour
3 Organic Duck Eggs
1/2 Cup Sugar
1tsp Baking powder
2tsp Karuna Spice Mix. (Homemade).
1tsp Cinnamon
1tsp Cayenne
Celtic Salt
4 cups steamed & puréed Pumpkin.
1/2 Cup Coconut & 'Olive-Chili oil' ~(homemade).
1/2 Cup Raw/Unpasteurised Milk. (Local farm product)
1 Fine Chopped Vanilla pod
tsp Apple cider vinegar.
Half cup of Orange blossom Honey.
Sesame & Carraway seeds.
Topping = flora Plant Cream. Blueberries, Pecan Nuts, Pear & Chili Jam, & Blackcurrant Jam warmed up with, 2 shots, 'Talisker' Whisky.

"I ask you, what is the use of having your "cake" if you can't eat it? What exactly are you supposed to do with it? Put it on your mantel and look at it? Cake is meant to be eaten and enjoyed."

Tremendously creative cake, and the first Birthday cake that i've ever baked! :)
Pumpkins are massively, 'creatively inspirational' to work with!
We very much hope to sell such cake, from *the NEST, at 'Karuna insight design', in the future, when the learning centre, and organic café is completed.
The Foundation walls and floor, were completed last summer.*If you would like to help support this most wholesome community project, financially, or with positive ideas, directives, for funding, please view Blog Number 2.
The Nest, will actually be the projects 'icing on the cake'.

Happy Birthday Merav! :)

Coffee and cake, before a drive out to magical Wales, for a Solstice, Birthday walk, up Pistyll Rhaeadr, the highest water in Wales, often referred to as one of the Seven Wonders of Wales. 240-foot cliff-face!


Always a winner, for us winter warmer Soup Dragons!

All these 'Various Pumpkins', were grown from the previous years, 'saved seeds', from our seed bank. They often cross-fertilise, though we continue to get a good mix.

A lot of people have been asking for the recipe for this amazingly, 'delicious', diverse, complex, 'sweet 'n' savoury' cake.
This is my own recipe, now yours to fool with!
Preheat Oven 350, or gas mark 4-5.
Best use a round spring form, loose baking tray.
'Beyond Dystopia Cake'
3 Cups Flour (1.5 Wholemeal self-raising,1 cup Spelt, 0.5 Cup Coconut flour).
3 Organic Duck Eggs
1/2 Cup Sugar
Half cup Honey, (Raw, if you have it).
1tsp Baking powder
1tsp Karuna Spice Mix.(Homemade).
1 tsp spoon Dried Oregano.
1tsp Cinnamon
2 tsp Cayenne
1 tsp ground ginger
1tsp Szechuan pepper
1 tsp Celtic Salt
1 cup Poppyseed.(Soak in the milk).
2 heaped tbsp Milled Chia seeds.
*4 cups steamed, Pumpkin Purée .
1/2 Cup Coconut & 'Olive-Chili oil' ~(homemade).
1/2 Cup Raw/Unpasteurised Milk. (Local farm product)
1 Fine Chopped Vanilla pod
Sesame, & Ajwain seeds.
tsp Apple cider vinegar.
In a large mixing bowl,whisk/Mix together all 'dry ingredients'.
In a separate bowl, stir together the 'wet ingredients',....the Pumpkin purée, Oils, milk, vinegar
Pour pumpkin mixture into the large, dry mix bowl, stir until all is combined.
Pour Mix into cake tin, smoothen off with a spatula.
Ovens vary, with ours, the cake top will burn if it's not covered, with foil for the first 30-40 mins, cook for around 1hr.(more or less, depending, just keep a close eye on it.
*Topping = Jam~ (warmed up with a little water & 2 shots,'Roku Gin', then smeared across whole cake surface, and left to soak in).
100-150gms Dark Chocolate,3 tbsp Organic Cocoa,1/2 cup Almond flour, 1-3 tbsp water, Grated Nutmeg,a few drops of Orange extract, Carraway and Black sesame seed, desiccated coconut-'Sprinkle', ground Ginger powder, Celtic salt, Blueberries, Mixed Nuts 😍
Gently heat & Mix together in a mixing bowl, starting with the solid chocolate pieces, after it's melted, add and mix in the other topping ingredients, starting with the Orange extract, water & Celtic salt.

"I am not strict vegan, because I'm a hedonist pig. If I see a big chocolate cake that is made with eggs, I'll have it." ~ Grace Slick

"Where there is cake, there is hope. And there is always cake." ~ Dean Koontz